
The Official Wiki for PedestriaMC

Commands (Survival)

S Only Commands

  1. /sethome [name] - allows you to set a home
  2. /home [name] - teleports you to your selected home location
  3. /setwarp [name] - sets a warp for anybody to warp to, at the cost of $400,000/$400K
  4. /warp [name] - warps you to the selected warp
  5. /q, /quest, /quests - opens up the quest interface
  6. /spawn - Teleports you to where you originally spawned in
  7. /lobby - teleports you to the main lobby server
  8. /server [location] - teleports you to your selected server

VIP Only Commands

Everything above in addition to:

  1. /afk - allows the user to be in standby mode

VIP+ Only Commands

Everything above in addition to:

  1. /hat - allows you to use the item in the main hand for a hat, works for ALMOST all items

MVP Only Commands

Everything above in addition to:

  1. /nick [name], /nickname [name] - allows you to set a nickname specifically for this server, must be set in each server and hub.
  2. /craft - opens up a mobile/virtual crafting table, without needing to have one in the players inventory
  3. /chatcolor - opens up the chat color tab which allows the user to change the display color of their chat

MVP+ Only Commands

Everything above in addition to:

  1. /feed - fills up users hunger bar to full
  2. /echest, /ec - opens up a mobile/virtual enderchest, without needing one in the players inventory
  3. /lore [name one|name two|name three|etc.] - sets "custom enchants" that do nothing, but display text
  4. /rename [name] - allows the player to rename the item in the main hand, but does not add a glow effect
  5. /glow - makes the item in the main hand look like it is enchanted, when it really is not, or it has a custom lore set to it